here we go again.. (english)

Haakon Dyremyhr / Ellen Bjerknæs
Sat 3 Sep 2011 10:58
We had a great time - and the biggest event for us was Kine (Haakons daugther) `s marriage to Torstein on the 20th of August.
What a beautiful wedding and what a beautiful day!
Now being back in Ko-Ko we are preparing for the direct sail to Madeira.
We had to wash the boat inside and outside. It was really necessary after having left Ko-Ko 10 weeks here in the Marina.
It was covered in desert sand.
We have prepared and bought all the food for 4-5 days passage to Madeira and we have checked out and prepared the boat for the 750nm trip.
We are planning on leaving around 2PM tomorrow.
The wind will be on the nose for the first hours and then it will cool down. After passing Gibraltar the wind will be NE force 5-10 m/s.
So we hope to have a nice sail towards Madeira.
George Molony has joined us and we are looking forward to having him as crew on this trip to Madeira.
Wishing everybody a nice weekend!
Ellen and Haakon