One week since we left Las Palmas

Haakon Dyremyhr / Ellen Bjerknæs
Sun 27 Nov 2011 13:34
We have been out sailing now for a week and so far
the conditions have been very good.
We have made 1240 so far, an average of 7,37 knots
an hour.
Nr 3 in our group - quite happy with
An hour and a half after we startet out from Las
Palmas the spinnaker halyard broke. We had to save the big genaker from the
water - a real struggle.
But we made it without ruining the
A day later the halyard was fixed and we picked up
good speed again.
Perfect sail for this nice downwind
A couple of days later the whisker poole grip broke
and we had to rearrange the hold grip.
It is now partly made of ropes and is working
Apart from that everything is fine on
The food is excelent, the fruit is not yet rotten
and the spirit is fine.
Jon is net controller so we have some contact with
"the world" every day.
It is also nice to get mails, sat phone calls or
calls on the SSB.
A couple of days ago we had a nice Pub Quiz Night.
Very popular. Today we celebrated the first Sunday of Advent.
Ellen had brought a nice italian christmas cake as a surprise.
Tomorrow we will celebrate half way (1400nm) with a
bottle of cava.