Bula Fiji!

Kokamo's Pacifc Meanderings
Tom and Rachel
Mon 28 Jun 2010 22:46
Kokamo has arrived at Savau Savu,
Fiji at 16:46.7S 179:20.2E
We got in yesterday
evening, after a fast sail for most of the day across the Koro Sea - the area of water inside the Lau Group of
islands, but before the big island we have now arrived at, Vanua Levu. We
hoisted the 'stealth drive' (gennaker) again after sunrise, and were soon
cruising along at over 7 knots. This meant we arrived in Savu Savu just
before Customs clocked off for the day, and could clear formalities and head
ashore for beer and pizza last night. All in all a very pleasant downwind
sail, with the Pacific living up to her name, and taking just over 3 days to do
the 420 miles.
Such authentic cuisine is as far as
our Fijian investigations have gone so far. But we're about to head ashore
again this morning to explore more, and hopefully arrange some diving on some of
the famous dive sites nearby before Chris has to head home in a few days