Back on the Hh Seas

Kokamo's Pacifc Meanderings
Tom and Rachel
Fri 25 Jun 2010 06:50
Kokamo is at 18:28.5S 174:55.1W
Bye bye Tonga, we're on our way to Fiji!
Running pretty much dead downwind at the moment with best part of 20 knots
behind us, and the sails goose winged. A bit rolly but we're making good
Most importantly, we've caught two very decent size
fish! First a barracuda just off Tonga. Then a couple of hours later
a large blue tuna - must be at least 12kg, and it's huge fillets are now filling
our fridge to the brim. That trip to the fishing shop in Vava'u seems to be
paying off after all...