The "Emergency" stop takes a new turn
African Innovation
Wed 1 Sep 2010 12:01
It turns out that our deserted atoll wasn't quite
as deserted as we first though. Granted the island we were anchored off, was
deserted, but the larger one, just North of us (and still within the barrier
reef) was not. In the span of a few hours we had 3 boats come and invite us to
the village. In the end, we lifted anchor and moved over to the lagoon in front
of their village. Then they picked us up and took us ashore.
It was pretty crazy, but we had to wait at the edge
of the village, until the village elders could receive us. Then we went to where
they were and introduced ourselves and brough gifts ... The gift being the root
they use to make cava. Then we proceeded to drink large amounts of it :-) ... We
were introduced to basically everyone in the village and were treated to an
awesome meal. After drinking with the elders, we went and drank even more with
the younger guys and gals. It's pretty funny, but beer and booze is taboo (so it
is forbidden), but cava, which makes you just as drunk is kosher.
When a small group of them (the chief's
daughter included) drove us back to the boat, we naturally invited them onboard
and managed to polish off 3 bottles of rum, had all of them puking over the
railing, in what can only be summed up as a great night.
...and here I was worried about being discovered by
the authorities ...
- Andreas