The iron topsail

African Innovation
Sun 2 May 2010 13:34
We got off to a windy start from San Cristobal, enjoying the breeze pushing us forward. We had to put double reefs into the main and a single reef into the genoa and hunker down while the spray shot past us ... I am of course kidding :-)
Since we left the true wind indicator has never been above 10 knots and even that only for a short time. We had to fire up the iron topsail (engine) and out of the 13.5 hours we've been on the way, 5.5 have been by sail and 8 have been by the noisy beast below. We are now motoring along doing 5.5 knots at 1900 rpm on a 255 degrees heading. The log indicates that we have moved 66 nm and we now have 2936 nm to go befor we make landfall in French Polynesia.  
Not a great start, but it was this or wait for at least a week for the conditions to change. The forecast promises more wind to the south and west of us, so that's where we are heading. Hopefully we will meet it sooner rather than later.
Last night after setting off, we had one final rum and coke, while we toasted to our adventures on Galapagos. Our next drink will be when we get to Hiva Oa.
The nighshifts passed without any big events. We were passed by three cruise boats heading into Floriana at dawn, but now other than the occasional sealion that swims by (forcing us to pull up our fishing gear in a hurry) we have nothing else, but Floriana on the horizon... oh, and a school of dolphins passing in the distance (I was just told by Jacob).
More to follow tomorrow.
- Andreas
1:13.32S 90:35.61W (In case you are wondering what this is, it is our position, so that the map will update our current position)