Staniel Cay

Ron Welch
Wed 30 Mar 2011 16:01
March 27, 2011
We spent our first night here anchored in a small cove between large Majors Cay and little Majors Cay shielded from the south easterly wind....Thunderball, the 1960's James Bond movie was filmed here with underwater scenes in one of the caves in the harbor......that"fifteen minutes of fame" is alive and well and still being capitalized upon....... a small little bit of "civilization" is here......growing though it the Yatch Club there is a photo pictorial history since 1958 about the time the yatch club entrepreneurs arrived.......all the buildings are brightly two alike.....everyone is friendly and smiling....but there are more than a few indications that this is the next big tourist development in the Bahamas.......prices are still reasonable on the bahamian scale of things and it was a great treat to buy the fresh baked bread from the yellow house, and a few goods from the Pink pearl grocery store in the pink house, and from the blue house which is the convenience store, and a walk past the purple house which is the art gallery, and the orange church back to the turquoise building which is the Staniel Cay Yatch Club......obviously a very colorful island full of surprises.......Roger received word of a project offer in Alaska........and.......he took it......yes, Roger agreed to leave this tropical paradise for a job in Alaska......and a little his words ...."all for fun and profit".....and in that vein, on his last day, he took him self off for the day on a personal tour to Majors and Sampson Cays while Ron and I took care of some phone calls and emails....... we were happy for our adventurous friend Roger, who has not yet visited Alaska and saw this as the opportunity to do so, but we will miss his diverse set of abilities and the many wonderful stories he would share with us as we relaxed with a sundowner in the is sometimes said ....everything we need will be given to us in the right and perfect time..Roger was the perfect companion and crew member for the beginning leg of this adventure...he contributed a great deal of knowledge and support along the way......we wished him luck and safe journey as he waved good bye on the dock of the Yatch Club on Tuesday morning March the 29th...........he flew out on Watermakers airline......another brave act on his part after having retrieved from the local dump, scrap pieces of a crashed airplane to fix the auto pilot.......Yes, a resourceful guy..,,,,best wishes to Roger....