Normans Cay

Ron Welch
Fri 18 Mar 2011 18:28
March18' 19, 2011
Beautiful motor sail to Norman's Cay.......anchored on the west side of the cay on the beach by McDuffs Beach Club.........six feet of clear water and an equally soft sandy bottom......beautiful holding for the anchor....full moon tonight........this means low low tide, and high high tide....spring equinox........this is an island that was up and producing in the eighties.......producing contra ban, that is.......the Bahamian navy, and the U.S. put a stop to things, but the air strip that was built to support the trade, was not destroyed and now there are several small private planes flying in and out each day.....while on our way walking the island dirt roads we met one coming in from the sea side and landing right by us........the only business establishment on the island is Mcduffs....a beach bar with a wonderful colonial island ambiance.....and manhattan, new York$18.00 for a hamburger and fries.......$6.00 for one! Friendly folk though running the place and managing the air strip....our walk about on the isle.....lead us to many ruins...all suggestions of an era passed........, but today, the magnificent ocean rolls in unaffected by past.......eternally bringing in theg present......unaware of any future.....