Highbourne Cay

Ron Welch
Wed 16 Mar 2011 16:02
March 17, 2011
After a night at anchor in the Nassau harbor....yes minimal sleep.....we departed for Highbourne Cay...all these "cays" are pronounced "keys"......it was important to leave at eight in the morning as this would allow our arrival at the yellow bank for mid day....we needed the sun to be high, and slightly at our backs to see the reefs.....black patches....oily looking spots that we navigated around.....the waters on the yellow bank ran between nine and twenty feet deep.......with Roger and I on the bow hand signaling direction, and Ron, at the helm, and I wearing two way head seats, the trip through went smoothly, and we arrived later in the afternoon at Highbourne Cay......there are more blues and greens, and golds (sand banks and rocks) of the ocean than one could ever truly mix on a palate and express......if we say it once in a day, we repeat it , and then find ourselves repeating it again....."look at the color of the water over there"....island hopping might turn out to be hopping from from state of awe to another!......we found a lovely anchorage...well, it looked lovely from the surface.......dropped the anchor........felt like it grabbed....splash and Roger was overboard to check......hard bottom, so not such great holding...knowing this was just an overnighter, we decided to "let it set" and see........another lovely night of dinner in the cockpit...fireworks...now that was a surprise to see one of the boats in the anchorage setting off fire works......as we set out in the morning for Allen's Cay....we could see......we never actually properly "set"....luck, and the island sheltered us that night from the North easterly winds......but we were off now, for the couple of miles trip to......godzillas nursery??????