Out on the open ocean by ourselves, no land in sight the adventure is of a different sort. It can be dangerous and mistakes.... costly....after all, our lives were at stake. But, here at Twin Dolphins Marina, tied up to the dock, lines allowing for the two foot or so tidal range another sort of adventure is unfolding......turns out it can be costly too. Jim Freund, of Friendship Marine, is who we travelled here to see. He and his team of marine mechanics have been working to add solar panels, install a water maker, finish the standing rigging, install the pactor modem, install extra diesel fuel bladders.......in lay terms this means add electricity, add fresh water, add safety, add communications, add gas.......turns out this adventure is "costly" too. There is also Rick, the Yanmah engine mechanic who is replacing hoses, changing out the alternator, the engine mounts, water pump, and mixing elbow, and all the other things he seems to be discovering as he methodically checks the diesel engine. All this work is being carried out right in the middle, top, and bottom of our home......more adventure.....rearranging everything, every day, moving everything from the aft to the front cabin, and then from the front cabin to the aft.......piling couch cushions on top of counters, and pillows on top of that......a sail boat is put together just like a human body......every thing works together to achieve the same outcome, and everything has it purposeful place, with this on top of that, and that beneath this, all nicely encased below the surface of things......working on the boat is like performing surgery......necessary, messy, and precise business. We are delighted to have found such talented and professional "surgeons".....the work is slowly being completed.....hopefully by the end of the month. In the mean time, we have settled into a routine, well as much of a routine as a place that views time as an abstract will allow. Mornings aren't rushed and there is time to sip coffee and hot chocolate, drink fresh squeezed orange juice, (oranges from Mari and Jims tree here in Tampa), eat some breakfast, decide if we "should shower now, or later"......10am, by this time the workers usually arrive and the rearranging, and operating room has been set up.......now we hit the first hurdle......a car.....surprising how many of our daily needs involve a vehicle....no problem.....this is a truly beautiful part of the marina experience......the other folks there. They make up the best part of the scenery....friendly, helpful, supportive, equally enthusiastic....each time we leave the marina in a car it's a different one....this of course adds to the adventure as we come out of the store we have visited....."what car are we in?"..."..what color was it?".....such gratitude for the kindness of those around us......not a cure for our absent mindedness, but by now we are paying better attention to what the car looks like, before we go in to the store. These folks here at twin dolphins.....are social in nature.....sharing is their nature.....sharing food at potluck gatherings, sharing routes and ways to cross the gulf stream, sharing ways and ideas to make boat life easier, sharing whatever they are drinking......sharing whatever they believe might be helpful......while our time on shore is turning out to be a "little" longer than we imagined, the people portion of this marina experience has been an introduction to some of the color, interest, and beauty we anticipate experiencing all along the way.
Sent from Sharon