Volcano Islands

Flyer of Lorne
Dave Sturrock
Sat 20 Dec 2008 03:53
15:34.93N 61:27.76W

Friday 19 December

Despite the protestations of some of my work colleagues that I am having too much fun now, the blog must go on!

Despite having no Sat phone, I am at least online onboard Flyer again using a WIFI connection. This is pretty impressive as we are at anchor in Prince Rupert Bay, Dominica and our "host cafe" the Purple Turtle beach bar is at least 200yards away. 

We set sail from Fort De France on Martinique on Thursday morning having cleared customs which as the pilot book said was very quick and easy. We then stopped at St Pierre towards the North of the Island and could not fail to be moved by the account  of  when MT Pelee last erupted in 1902. This tragic event caused the entire population of 30,000souls to be wiped out save 2, a cobbler in his cellar and a prisoner in his cell. Why is it that so many beatiful areas are surrounded by a history of tragedy?

We continued our progress North witha crossing to Dominica which was a beat with 16-20knots of ENE breeze. We picked up a mooring at Roseau with the help of local agent "Sea Cat" as it was 7pm and darkness had fallen giving us a days run of 50NM. This company proved to be excellent as they arranged transport to the Customs office to clear into the country and also a half day tour. This was great value for money with a swim in Titou gorge ( where part of the Pirates of the Caribbean was filmed) which was essentially a natural rock tunnel. Next we visited Trafalgar Waterfalls where they have the mother and father (literally) of falls. Access to the "mother" fall was only gained after a steep scramble over rocks with Tour Guide Armstrong helping oiut. Another swim ensued in the pool below the falls which were lashed with spray but very enjoyable all the same. Then just time to fit in another dip in some hot springs, there are 7 volcano's on Dominica which does not seem to deter the population of 70,000 from making a living. 

I am glad to say there has been no sign of volcanic eruptions onboard Flyer which with family members onbioard can never be ruled out entirely!

 I was most impressed to see that the Prime Ministers mobile phone number was included in the pilot book with instructions to give him a call in case of any security issues! Gordon Brown please take note, this is really how to get in touch with the people!

In the afternoon we returned  to Flyer and motor sailed in very light airs to Prince Rupert Bay which was 19NM distant.

We were met by a posse of local boats, the first more than 2NNM from thye anchorage was a character called "Spaghetti" who came alongside in his fast dinghy and gave us his card. I then struggled to find space to get the anchor down as we had 3 local agents and a fruit seller on a surfboard all looking to "help". We managed fine and then took some fruit and ice from the surfboard seller before going ashore for a meal in the "purple turtle"

Thanks to everyone who has donated to the RYA Sailability charity, I made a typo on my last plug for this. The correct weblink is as follows www.justgiving.com/davesturrock