French Connection

Flyer of Lorne
Dave Sturrock
Wed 17 Dec 2008 22:49
I am writing this from a cybercafe in Fort De France Martinique as we continue our cruise in glorious weather. Two swims today at breakfast and lunch where we had the close company of a leatherback turtle while we were at anchor.
Lots of yachts cruising and easily 40 at anchor in many of the popular bays, great to see so much activity.Already spotted a couple of fellow ARC participants still flying the flag plus a 100 foot yacht Whisper3 at anchor.
We were fascinated by the history of Diamond Rock which we passed today, the British Navy actually called this a warship for a time by mounting cannon and sinking passing French Warships
Thanks to TEd Howell for assisting with the route plqnning here, so far it is looking very good.