Fresh Fish For Dinner

Andreas Haas
Thu 26 Nov 2009 16:13
22.57.23N   025.03.67W
Everyone is healthy and safe.
The last day has been quite adventurous. In Las Palmas  before we left, we equipped ourselves with fishing equipment and lures in the hopes of catching some nice
fish. Yesterday evening we tried out our fishing rig and landed a beauty. We had no idea was it was exactly, but suspected it was something like a Tuna so we
decided to eat it anyway! Andreas fried it nicely and with mashed potatoes and a salad the crew of Ecapada celebrated the first (hopefully of many) catch of fresh
As we sailed into the sunset, the crew prepared for their night watches. The night was clear and beautiful. The cloudless sky was filled with trillions of stars, while a
bright half-moon path lit our course closer and closer to St. Lucia. Since leaving Las Palmas behind, we have already sailed (without use of engine) 796 nautical miles. 
Sometime tomorrow we will reach the 2000 miles left marker and we start counting down. The sunrise was once again fantastic. As the sun came up, while the rest of
the crew slept,  Peter who was on watch met the day with Pavarotti on the MP3 player.  What a tremendous emotional experience to be flying across the waves, with
the rising sun at your back accompanied by Luciano! 
                       Sailing into the sunset                                                       Reeling in the big one!                                                   The happy fishermen                                   
                                                                    Manuel with his prize catch                                                   Fillet of fish for dinner
Today we continued to make good progress. Our average speed was again almost 8 knots SOG. The wind has been shifting quite a bit lately making keeping our
course of 262 difficult without risking danger of an accidental gybe. This afternoon it seems to have steadied somewhat and now we are on course again at good speed.
 The weather is good, with nice strong wind of 20-25 knots. Today was a nice sunny, warm day with temperature around 28 C. It should continue to get warmer as we
proceed south and west closer to the Caribbean.
Our fishing line is in the water again and we will see what the evening brings...
Take care and stay well.