Tuesday 20th September 2011 - Porquerolles

Left Sainte Maxime on Tuesday morning after topping up fuel, just before noon. Motor-sailed for about two hours and then decided to sail for a while. Unfortunately, the wind had moved and we needed to resort to engine after three hours to make good course. We also discovered there was a persistent tide of half to one knot against us and it took longer than planned to reach Porquerolles. In fact we saw the sun go down and we were still an hour away from the port. The light disappeared and with no sign of the newish moon , or its light, we had to motor into port in the dark. With Elizabeth spotting the hazards and me dodging them (mainly yellow buoys) we finally entered the harbour and found a berth at 20:40. Tomorrow (Wednesday) we are expecting Tony and Michele to arrive. Ron & Elizabeth HOWARD Eliza B, Moody 36 (1998) + 44 7768 816 579 + 33 (0)6 11 66 79 08 http://blog.mailasail.com/elizab |