Blog - Almost there.

Global Yacht Racing's EH01
Global Yacht Racing - sponsors: Caspian Services
Thu 12 Dec 2013 12:02
Bit of bad luck this morning as we have broken the spinnaker pole cup so no spinnakers and no poled out headsails, slowing us down a bit and bruising my wallet a little bit more, going to have to cough to the kids this year that there really isn't a Santa.
Damage to date is the boom vang, boom gooseneck and now the pole, all rigging failures I can put down to the conditions, a little bit to the driving (!) and this morning to the skipper, who would love to blame someone else but as he was on deck and didn't notice the downhaul being released has to suck it up.
Conditions are still lively with 25+ knot easterlies and quite big seas, last night was great sailing though especially early on with the moon to light our way and boat speeds regularly in the 15 knots, its a shame we didn't get this earlier in the trip as EH01 revels in these conditions.
This ARC has certainly had a bit of everything, biblical rain storms, becalming's, upwind sailing, reaching and stonking downwind runs, breakages and fixings all interspersed with the usual great humour and enthusiasm from the crew and the team.
St Lucia here we come again, and there better be a bucket of Piton beer with my name on it.