Global Yacht Racing's EH01
Global Yacht Racing - sponsors: Caspian Services
Wed 10 Dec 2008 21:48
about 400 nM from St Lucia. We keep pushing
EH01 as best we can in order to make our return flights. Action of the day:
genoa down, 0.6 Oz spinaker up; spinaker down, genoa poled up; genoa down,
number 3 poled up; number 3 down, engine on; genoa up, engine off; half
shower under rainy cloud passing by, genoa down, engine on! We are also
enjoying our last few days at sea with sun aft and dolphins at the bow in
the morning, pasta lunches, afternoons in the shade of the spinaker,
sundowns with Chris' cool tunes, and moonlit night watches with their
shooting stars occasionally spoiled by sudden skin contact with a daring
flying fish. The rest of the day is paced by calls for "garcon!" from the
galley, soon followed by "gas off" and warm brews. Boil in the bags dinners
have long lost their novelty but have been enhanced by post dinner Eucalytus
drops. We have now run out of chocolate sweets, hot chocolate, milk,
cereals, fresh fruit, and are working on the very last dry fruits and our
last onion. Today, however, is double treat: Adam's stepmother's excellent
cake for tea, and tinned curry night! - Charles