position: 24:22N 18:12W

Global Yacht Racing's EH01
Global Yacht Racing - sponsors: Caspian Services
Tue 25 Nov 2008 16:40
A few extrats from our log book remarks column. "Light, shite and a pain in the ****", "Boring! Flap flap flap slop slop slop", "The slop continues" & "Puff"
The good news is it has picked up a bit now & we're making good progress, distance run in the last hour is 6NM - a great improvement from 0NM @ 0100GMT this morning. Great progress is also being made on the spinnaker stiching by the team, under manly Dave's continued leadership.
The sun has shone all day and a school of Dolphins came to play and dance to Bob Maley's beat.
Now with the "Baywatch" on watch we are cruising down 200NM parallel to the Mauritania coast. Weather dictates we need to head south before turning west. More tomorrow, Bye Bye.