Blog 7th Nov

Global Yacht Racing's EH01
Global Yacht Racing - sponsors: Caspian Services
Sat 7 Nov 2009 09:16
DTG 620 nm
After a sensible night out in Gibraltar we left about mid-day yesterday. Forecast predicted less than 20 knots of wind but I can tell you there was 30 knots straight from the west, which made things a tad hard going.
Anyway we are now 82 miles from Gib and well into the Atlantic. We've had a night of squalls with building wind and then falling again, so we just left all the small sails on instead of constantly changing them.
Its Steve's birthday today..25. My gift is to stand his 2 hour dogwatch this afternoon but he hasn't made up his mind that this is what he wants. But seeing as I forgot to go to Clinton Cards (as we were having a sensible night out) he hasn't got much choice. Anyway, happy birthday, Steve.
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