Location: 37:46.7N 003:13.9E

Global Yacht Racing's EH01
Global Yacht Racing - sponsors: Caspian Services
Mon 3 Nov 2008 12:38
Good afternoon!
Well what busy bunnies we are on board today. The sun is shining and, sadly, we are motoring through frenzied (!) 1.5 knots of breeze towards the Spanish coast. We are, however, taking advantage of this glorious sunshine and millpond sea state and have undertaken on- going maintenance, safety checks, cooking in preparation for this evening's meal and cleaning. You wouldn't recognise the place! The place smells amazing and even bodies have been through the wash.
Over the past 24 hours we have had some wonderful wind that has taken us west and just a little bit south. Morale is high and to top it all we have seen our first turtles today. Waving to us apparently - according to our ginger bowman! Something in the hair dye I guess??!!!
We have been in contact with Ric, skipper of the other yacht P42, who has had a horrible time of it apparently. Wet and exhausted with winds on the nose they are 60 miles ahead of us having left 24 hours before us and have been experiencing different winds which have been challenging.
We are bound for Cartegena on the south-eastern spanish coast but, wind permitting, we shall turn south west and head straight down towards Almeria and on to Gibraltar. Let's see which port the weather will let us stop in.
Right - back to my maintenance
Em Pontin
Skipper - EH01