25th Nov. Bob's Bog etc

Global Yacht Racing's EH01
Global Yacht Racing - sponsors: Caspian Services
Wed 25 Nov 2009 16:36
westward with the kite up, although tough going as the swell is still quite
big and the direction hard to judge.
Bobs Bog; I know your all wondering so here it is. We have a rule on board
that NO paper goes down the sea toilet just 'stuff' thats been through you,
this is to prevent blockadge. Well you can guess the rest, 'Doc' Bob came on
deck yesterday looking rather sheepish to report a blocked head. So after a
few choice words Bob was given the tool kit and set to work. It appears that
he had forgotton the rule and allowed a solitary piece of double quilted
soft strong and too bloody long to slip past his guard and do the honours.
Several hours later a sweaty and somewhat white faced Bob re appeared with
the all clear!
I owe a retractrion and apology to Clara who I slighted on day one as being
responsible for the gybe and damage to the main clew webbing strap. It
appears as if she was not helming but Dave van Dam was on the wheel, so my
apologies to Clara and Dave; your'e 'outed'
Oh yeah and we also have this bloke called Ray on the crew too, cant
remember when he turned up but he seems like a nice bloke so we let him
We've been eating well so far, the 'BeWell' pre cooked food with rice and
pasta for dinner with cereals for brekky and sandwiches etc for lunch. We
are almost out of apples though which is a first for me and slightly
confusing as we had a lot.....what can you do with an apple on a yacht if
you dont eat it? may have to ask Bob.....
Well thats it for now, Andy.
10 minutes later: Well there goes the first spinnaker, properly bloWn out tape to tape, if only you could here the language. Not great on day 4.