ARC day 7

Global Yacht Racing's EH01
Global Yacht Racing - sponsors: Caspian Services
Sat 30 Nov 2013 14:54
from EH01 Title:
Crash, Vang, Boom! Your
joining us live from EH01 surf contest, with the main contender Skipper Andy
Middleton at the helm racking up some amazing speeds with just a hanky sized No
4 headsail and no main. He has been averaging 7kts with a surfing best for today
at 12.5! With entrants from the known surfing worlds of Australia, Scotland,
Ireland, Wales and even Russia its going to be a tough contest! All contenders
are hopeful and are looking forward to tonight's surf comp in the pitch
black. The
sunshine downwind cruise as promised by our sales team hasn’t happened yet. We
have had some hefty winds, some big swells. We have been parked up for 4 hours,
to then being smashed by heavy rain for 10 hours and now are in the middle of
been battered by all kinds of weather from all directions. As you can see by our
surf comp report this is not getting us down on EH we are making good progress
and are all thinking about our arrival at St Lucia in the sun. I
add a personal note to this blog in regards to last nights hectic events. With
some last minute surprise very heavy gusts hitting us in the pitch black with
the wind almost squarely behind us I inadvertently managed to do my first and
only! Crash gybe which managed to rip off our vang from the boom. Fortunately
for me/ us this appears to be our only damage. Our brave and valiant maverick of
a skipper clambered forward in these harsh conditions with a leatherman in each
hand and a mouthful of cable ties and managed to rig a Hand Billy to replace the
damaged vang and all is good with the world. I imagine that this recent event
will come with a rather large beer fine! All
crew are safe with the only injury being to my pride! Hello
and goodbye to all, Gareth (First
Mate) pps
A special mention to my wife Anya who I am missing dearly and think about all
the time. Love you! S.V 'EH01' |