24:09.7N; 22:46.6W
John & Bernie
Wed 28 Nov 2007 21:18
Sorry for big gap in messages - totally busy!!!
Just been through a little squall after light winds all day. Good surfing with chute on pole. Now reverted to bowsprit for a quiet night. All well and well fed - fillet steak with mushroom sauce, cabbage , mash and green beans tonight.
Close encounter with mystery boat last night. Showing mast-head and deck level white lights, no port or starboard. It crossed our path from left to right, then turned and came straight towards us. At last moment, it turned to cross our bows. We luffed up through 90', with much sail flogging and light shining, and considerable alarm - ?? pirates. But then they just went off.
Having a great time. Boat all working well except Sat phone.
John Bernie Will Ol Roo and Ed