Nearly ready

John & Bernie
Sat 24 Nov 2007 01:09
Well, we've had a frantic 3 weeks in Las Palmas - I can describe the interior of every chandlers, the drive to the airport and that's about it!! We seem to have been busy but still are rushing around, like we still have no fresh food on board - lots of tins and some in the freezer so off to the market at 7.oo am when it's now 01.00! Will, Andy and Oliver arrived out here at the begining of the week and have been great, then Ed came out yesterday and now it's nearly ready. Mind you, unless the weather improves, I'm not going as it's raining and blowing lots! There have been lots of parties and in some ways I'll be quite glad to get off now, for a rest if nothing else. If the sat phone permits, we'll keep you updated but our position can be logged on the ARC website. Take care all of you, love Bernie and John, Ed, Will, Roo and Oliver. x The next generation of MSN Hotmail has arrived - Windows Live Hotmail |