Port Denerau, Fiji

Boundless 1
Richard Clennett
Sat 13 Aug 2011 06:09
We have just left Port Denerau Marina after 4 days
there, crossing some boat jobs off the list, and enjoying the use of shore power
(first time since we left Grenada, and potable water at the dock - amazing
what simple things give us joy!). A very busy little port with most of the
island commuter boats based here and all the big coral coast resorts
within 10 minutes walk. Needless to say the place hums from early morning until
late and there are many services located here and restaurants from which
to chose.
Unfortunately we were unable to get a berth at Vuda
Point Marina, our first choice - well we did actually have a berth offered
us, but it was bow to in a circular basin, squeezed into a monohull space
between other boats and we decided we would not take the risk of trying to get
in there, particularly after seeing the bosun in a dinghy with no fenders, get
his own outboard tangled up in one of the many mooring boys! We did spend two
nights anchored off there though which was ok and enabled us to catch up with
others at the restaurant and to taxi in and out of Lautoka to complete our
coastal clearance (yes, customs again) and replenish fruit and veg.
We have also been in to Nandi to look for fittings
(and couldn't wait to get out again) and have had several interesting journeys
with chatty taxi drivers - from whom we always learn much. Some who think the
military are doing a great job running Fiji, others who don't. Tourism seems to
have picked up and is a focus currently, but clearly there are many who are
struggling and reports of home breaking and entering from one driver was a bit
alarming. Sugar cane is being harvested now and trucks loaded to overflowing
fill the roads on their way to the refinery in Lautoka. We did laugh when we
drove over the one bridge leading to Denerau Island to be told that it was built
35 years ago, no maintenance had been done, and a local woman mud crabbing below
it had alerted authorities when bits of the bridge started falling down around
her as a fuel tanker drove over it! Some sort of re-enforced roadway has been
built over one side of the bridge to take the big trucks while they work out
what to do. The roads are in a very bad state around all the towns. Everyone is
very friendly and helpful and we are always greeted with a cheery
Boundless has been scrubbed from bow to stern and
treated to the high pressure hose treatment. A boom fitting has been replaced
and the curtains have been laundered and rehung. We have started cleaning out
lockers and discarding some of the unwanted "stuff" we have accumulated. I'm
sure we are now much higher in the water.
Tonight we are anchored not far
from the marina as it was late by the time we left there. We will head out
to Mololo LeiLei tomorrow and perhaps spend a couple of days pottering in the
islands before we head (after going back to Lautoka to clear out of Fiji)
to Aneicauhut , the southern most island in Vanuatu for a day or two and then on
to Lifou Island in the Loyalty Islands before Ile des Pins and then Noumea.
The weather has improved considerably over the last
two days, although quite cool at night.
We are looking forward to swimming again, as we
haven't been in the water since Tonga, although I have enjoyed several
early morning walks while at the marina.
S/Y Boundless 1