Galapagos Islands

Boundless 1
Richard Clennett
Wed 13 Apr 2011 12:04
0.44.64 S 90.18.57 W
Anchored at Puerto Ayora yesterday midday after a long passage from Las Perlas. The last 36 hours was all motoring as there was less than 4 knots of wind. Coming in through the islands, the volcanic history is very clear, from the shoreline to the low lying hills and vegetation.
After clearing in we spent some time ashore enjoying a meal and meeting other cruisers who had just arrived, and of course sharing stories.
The bird and sea life has been plentiful since entering the Pacific. We had three boobies traveling with us for 24 hours on the pulpit, through rain, wind and electrical storms! The pelicans here in Puerto Ayora are almost tame and fascinating to watch. It's incongrous to see seals swimming around the boat and lazing on the dinghy dock ashore.
Finally, we are back in the southern hemisphere! Boundless crossed the equator in the wee hours amidst pouring rain, very low visibility and uncomfortable sea conditions, so we celebrated later at lunch with a glass or two of bubbles.
Today we are looking forward to welcoming Geoff on board (arrives late morning), planning what we want to see and do here, as well as completing some of the boat challenges - like arranging for a permit to purchase an exact amount of diesel, and then jerry canning it from the petrol station on the hill behind town to the boat! All good fun.....