fowey to helford river

Julie and Geoff
Sat 11 Sep 2010 22:32
50:05.832n 005:07.660w Today was one of those days when we shouldn't have been on the water. Lets start by saying that we made it safely, but slightly frazzled to say the least. Lots of really minor things went wrong! It started off with waiting for water in Fowey for over an hour, only to be beaten to the water pontoon by some cheeky motor boat who went in ahead and nicked our spot!!! 1 hour later we finally got water. Then trying to leave the estuary when there were at least 3 separate race sailing events going on with loads of yachts of all sizes who just wouldn't give way! Left the estuary put the genoa out to find Geoff had tied the dinghy up, so we couldn't run the genoa sheet!!! (That was a GEOFF fault!!) Big swell running and winds more than we had figured on. Then on another tack getting the genoa sheet wrapped around the dinghy!! Then on another tack getting the genoa sheet caught in the cockpit table! Then hove to, a Julie on the helm, tacked and then went back through the wind, again. Finally got into Helford, at about 8pm (darkish now) and finding the final free mooring buoy, didn't have a pick up buoy on it, and no means of securing it to the boat. We had thought we might get our heads down for a few hours and leave for France, but too knackered to consider that tonight. After saying all that, the learning curve was huge, and we really enjoyed the sailing in between the hiccups, we got up to 8 knots today and had a really thrilling sail. The dinghy may have to be deflated and not sit on the fore deck! Geoff is currently snoring after a few beers, so his day has ended perfectly for him. Night all! Julie and Geoff |