Alistair Groom
Wed 28 Nov 2007 16:47

Been having a few communications problems so if reports have not been getting through, here is a quick re-cap thus far.  We have had lots of wind (40 kinots +), no wind (for 8 hours), stair rod rain, cloudless blue skies, moonlit nights, rolling seas, dolphin pods, and an interesting array of technical challenges, mainly in the parasailor (spinnaker) department.  This is one helluva sail when its working and for the past 24 hours we have been going like a train (although all on deck in various states of dress/undress at 4am this morning unwrapping it from the forestay). Now weve got it up, it would be nice if we could carry it all the way to St Lucia but who knows!  Crew all well, ample provisions and haute cuisine and endless Black Adder repeats!  We seem to be making up for our earlier lack of wind, but curiously very few other boats seem to have taken our northerly route. Further reports and hopefully photos (we have a technical challenge on this front) to follow.  

Lots of Love

Team Trelorna