raisins, currents, eddies and peas

Mon 18 Jul 2011 12:10
The winds are now easterly and dying. Our weather router, Capt Cook, actually had us steer WEST for several miles. It was mentally very hard.    But he was trying to steer us to and around eddies and currents, to avoid getting us into unfavorable currents, and getting us into favorable currents. We can’t see the currents out here. Capt Cook sent John an image via e mail back in Bermuda and you can see them on John’s IPAD  screen. But I can’t receive  them via this e mail.  But Capt Cook can see all the currents on his wall of screens!  So he sends way points for us to follow.
When we were in the Gulf Stream dealing with squall after squall after squall, I was too exhausted to check e mail one day, and when I did finally  e mail Capt Cook, he said “you guys are in an unfavorable current, give me an hour and I’ll steer you out” so he sent new way points, and when we changed course, (I am NOT making this up, I promise) we took off like a race horse!!   We went from a whopping 3.2 knots over ground to 8, 9 even 10  knots over ground. Same wind.
So here we go again, with the currents being as important, or even more important than the wind.
Trader Joes Trail Mix with wasabi peas is  a good eye opener for the midnight to 3 AM watch.  Ocean Food Rule: If you are more than 100 miles offshore (we are) and you are outside on watch, at night, and NO one else is awake, ALL food has NO calories. But the SECOND someone wakes up, whatever is in your mouth goes back to its original caloric value.  My Wasabi Pea and Raisin Trail Mix almost made the zero calorie count but Robert got up. Oh well!!!