Thing Called Gravity

Mon 8 Aug 2011 21:02
Yesterday we took a car tour of the island with a driver named Antonio. So very informative!  We learned about the 1957 volcanic eruption that buried whole houses with sand and also formed a whole new point of “land”, the newest land on Earth!
We also looked at old farm houses/piles of rocks for sale.  People are seeking these out so they aren’t so cheap. Antonio said “Just buy some land, get your self some rocks and build a house!”  Just like that! So simple. We did see an adorable house over looking the ocean that just sold for 22,000 Euros!!!!  Less than 40,000 dollars! Try finding one of those in Annapolis!
But we aren’t in the market for a house.
After the car tour we walked up to almost the top of Monte Da Guia, as high as we were allowed. The very top is restricted. This was after hiking up the back side of the same “monte”. Funny, we hiked up a fairly steep path on the back side with flip flops and shorts. No big deal. and we were hanging out at that side’s highest spot and some French hikers showed up with complete hiking gear, packs, expensive shoes, clothing, hats the works.  We came to that party underdressed!  But we got to the same spot with much ease!
Then Today we walked up a paved road to Monte Carneiro, which was way higher than Monte Da Guia, and instead of a gentle turning road twisting like tacking going up, these roads went STRAIGHT up.  The cars here must have really good transmissions and brakes!  Don’t let any of those Flat Earth Society folks steer you wrong,  gravity exists.  Even I had to stop and take breaks. Me who works out on days ending in the letter “Y”, I was out of breath. But we made it to the top!!   And the top was a paved culdesac with a weird concrete vertical slab (art?) in the middle. No welcome crew. no plaque, no restroom, no bar, no sign,  nothing!! Nothing but one of the most spectacular views I have ever seen!
And then the walk down was pretty hard too! OK, so gravity was with us but the steepness made it tough.
At the bottom was the town, and we immediately bought my obligatory shoes!!  70% off!   And boy are they me.
Tomorrow we tour the island of Pico.