North Atlantic Athletic Cub

Tue 19 Jul 2011 12:28
AS many of you know I am (was) an avid member of the Annapolis Athletic Club.  And I think I should open our own called the North Atlantic Athletic Club. While not as nice as AAC, we do have some unique qualities. While we can’t offer individual TV monitors with unlimited cable, we do offer a brightly lit GPS screen giving thrilling accounts on where you’ve been and where you’re going in bright blue and pink. And while we can’t offer clean hot showers, we do offer constantly moving ( a workout in itself) trickle showers that compel you to brag about how little water you’ve used (“I just used a Tea Cup”)  And while we don’t have freshly laundered towels, we do have the Delux Ever Damp Towel system, one per person in bright designer colors.
AND we offer the recently patented exclusive KIng Neptune Ocean Spray Salt and Sun Skin Care  system,  keeping your skin damp and clammy, along with the King Neptune Ocean Spray Salt and Wind Hair Care System, always sure to frizz even the silkiest hair!
And we are not able to offer free classes like Pilates or Yoga, but we’ll give you a compass course and a wheel to steer and 3 hours to do it!  Get strong core muscles in just days!!  Sign up now!