Mon 19 Oct 2009 16:15
We are currently sailing down the west coast of Morocco, with sails up for
the first time, properly, on this trip, with 3 days of motoring behind us.
After failing to get into a marina in Gibraltar last night, we have
continued on to the Canary Islands without any more stops. There is a
picture attached of last nights' sunset with Gibraltar Rock in the frame.
We have had a wicked few days of weather and the wildlife seen has been
awesome. Along with the sunset, I have attached some photographs of the
long-finned pilot whales that hung around the boat for a good 40 minutes
yesterday. Along with that we have had many sightings of dolphins, who like
to ride the bow wave; up to 5 at a time. Unfortunately, there has not been
anymore hope with the fishing; not one bite since Saturday! The sea has been
extremely calm pretty much the whole trip, and it is currently much of the
same, with no cloud cover and glorious sunshine. This all makes for very
pleasant sailing!
Fi is currently preparing lunch which I am sure will be brilliant. The food
has been superb and Fi is a truly fantastic cook!
At the moment we are set to arrive in the Canary Islands in approximately
3-4 days, so hoping that the wind keeps up and we have a great sail down the
coast of Africa!