Back in Antigua

Peter & Penny Hesleden
Mon 30 Mar 2015 23:20
We are currently back in Jolly Harbour preparing Roysterer for another foray on the Caribbean Sea. Getting her ready is progressing slowly and I have discovered some new guests; 4 frogs living under the cockpit floor. 2 were what I would call medium sized frogs being about 6 inches long stretched out and 2 were tiny, not more than 1 inch. I let them go on the grass near a tree as I wasn't sure whether they were tree frogs as they had big suckers on their feet.

The pictures are of Roysterer on the hard before launching and the other 2 are of the frogs showing the difference in scale between the 2 types. I can't believe they are male and female of the same species, if so which ones are the males and which ones are the females!?

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