Wed 13 Sep 2006 06:09
We left Suwarrow with big hangovers on Sat 09
We got the hangovers when we went to check-out and
say goodbye to John. We took a couple of beers and some wine to have for a
sundown drink while we were there. Well, we ended up staying for dinner and some
very strong rum and got home about 1am.
A couple of hours out of Suwarrow our mainsail
ripped in half! Rotten stitching. There was an atoll about 48 hours away.
But you are not allowed to stop there without special permission. Well we had a
good reason (repairs) and besides there is nobody on the atoll to give you
trouble. I can't mention the atolls name for legal reasons. Suffice to say
that if they knew we were there some official of the mighty United States
Government might get pissed off ..... but maybe not. Anyway, there is an
extremely narrow pass into the lagoon (not enough room to turn around if you
change your mind) but mercifully short. After a rolly trip I was grateful to
anchor in flat calm water around 2pm. That afternoon we showered and relaxed.
Just us, the birds (on the very small motu) and the horizon. Bliss.
Next morning we got to replacing the mainsail. We
had an old spare. It was the kind of complex job that is best done when the boat
is not moving around. It took most of the day. Around lunchtime another yacht
came in. Our solitude was broken but we knew the people so that was OK. And we
had someone to share the story of the pass (Annie in fact could not look as we
came in). We will both leave in the morning for the Kingdom (with a brand new
King) of Tonga.
We were very much looking forward to sharing in a
famous Tongan feast but the country is in one month of mourning for the
old King so maybe there will be no feasts. You'll be the first to
Stay tuned.
PS We are SO close to tomorrow.
You work it out.