Pictures from our Pacific Crossing

Sat 8 Jul 2006 20:40
Here is another photo email - we have tried everything but standing on our head to try and send you pictures with captions but this has still eluded us. We have had all kinds of computer geeks and interested bystanders try to help but all to no avail so I'll give you a few clues and hopefully the photos that I send will be fairly self explanatory - alternatively you can make up captions for them yourselves, that will probably be more interesting anyway.
These are some of the photos from our crossing - we didn't really take too many as it was a little rougher out there than we had envisaged, so stumbling down to get the camera out was not an easy feat at times. We did manage to get photos of both the fish we caught, I wish we'd taken one of the handline we caught them on but there was enough going on just getting the fish. There are also shots of the end result of our catches ie: dinner. Our teddy, Joey, has been enjoying the trip and tends to come up on deck when we feel we need a little company, we're not sure what he thought of the big seas as he is not a big talker but the expressions say it all. There are also some sunsets and sunrises, you guess which is which and of course some water/sail shots.
Hopefully these will give you a bit of an idea of the trip, believe me I don't need photos - it will be etched in my mind forever.

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