Fishy Dicky and the one that got away !

Thu 9 Nov 2023 13:01
As you are probably aware Dicky is our resident fisherman, we are still eating the tuna he caught near Barbate. However there is now just one tuna meal left and the chefs were banking on fresh fish for this passage.
So far Dicky has hooked three what he claims to be enormous fish but they have all snapped the line. So rather than being three fish up we are three lures down.
He did catch one fish but it was too small to eat !
Then there was the bird’s nest, which is a fisherman’s term for a large tangle of fishing line, which put the best rod out of action.
Anyway, new lures have now been fitted and the birds nest has been untangled and he is fishing again, but I have to say we are not holding our breath, or our fish knives.
Dave however who does not claim to be a fisherman, has caught many flying fish.
Well when I say caught, he found 10 of them on the deck this morning!!
This one is on the upper deck !
Kath and I also saw what we believe was a a rather large shark swim past in the opposite direction this morning, no pictures I’m afraid it happened too quickly, no one believes us of course
I think karma just got me for teasing Dicky about the lack of fish, as I just cut my hand on the first aid box !
Yesterday evening we didn’t even discuss the 3rd reef we just put it in, our technique must be improving as it only took 45 minutes, it’s not a simple process.
Last night was much the same as the one before, howling winds and grumpy seas.
This is Cassini, another ARC boat passing behind us this morning.
Unable to sail directly downwind we have been favouring the port gybe which takes us more south than west, this morning we gybed on to starboard which is now taking us more west than south. Unfortunately Mindello is south west. The starboard tack although giving us right of way over other sailing boats on port, is definitely more uncomfortable!!