Tin Can Bay

Jon & Clarissa Johnson
Thu 4 Aug 2011 08:14
So it is 6pm now. Jon is reading down in the cabin. I am sitting in the cockpit blogging and the sun has just set. I don't know if I have said this before and I apologise if I have but there is something ver calming and peaceful about knowing you are not on a time schedule. To wake up and have breakfast and to go when you're ready. To go to bed early and read for a change instead of watching tv or watching nothing on tv - which I admit I do miss a little but can not remember the last time I saw Jon read and I can not remember the last time I actually finished a book. To have a shower and know that it is for the pure joy (and cleanliness!) of having a shower and that you don't have to rush out the door to work or to be somewhere else. Although - having a shower and rushing out to meet Bek for coffee is a different story! That's the exception! To cook when you are hungry or not cook and eat something easy. To simply be. I loved being in Brisbane for the 12 months. I loved knowing Mum and my two favourite girls were there and that I could catch up with them on a regular basis. I loved being able to use a supermarket! (For the Grooters - I know you understand this!) I loved going for coffee and dining out and I especially loved cooking for friends when they came round - which happened on most Friday nights! For all that, I would not trade anything. However, I am enjoying the fact that I don't have to do anything in particular. I always felt like there was a sense of urgency to do things and be somewhere and not getting things done but it's nice, I admit, to be on the other side of that coin.
Anyway....on that note....it is now getting chilly seeing the sun has set. So I am going to attempt to use the oven and make some muffins! You will hear, without a doubt, how successful or unsuccessful they are!
Have a great Friday everyone!
With love
"When I forget how talented God is, I look to the sea." Whoopi Goldberg