a bit of everything - 07/12/2012

Open Blue
Tim & Manfreda Penfold
Fri 7 Dec 2012 21:45
position 016:09:4N 042:02:6W
We’ve had a bit of everything in the last 24 hours, squalls with torrential rain and 30 knots of wind, glorious sunshine and flat calm, dolphins, incredible sunrises and sunsets. We also caught our 4th fish of the trip, a beautiful dorado. 3 others have evaded the galley by either taking off with our lures or somehow swimming off the hook.
Unfortunately we had to switch the engine on for several hours today, to push on through this ‘ridge’ of unsettled weather, which was basically about 70 miles of no wind, in between cells of heavy rain and wind (squalls).
We seem to be through it now, gently sailing along in a light northerly, which should back round to the north east tonight. This breeze should take us all of the 1100 or so miles we have remaining to St. Lucia.
Although it was a shame to turn on the engine, it does mean the batteries have had a deep charge and the water tanks are now almost full, as we could give the water maker a good long run. Showers are a luxury on an ocean crossing like this, but we now have more than enough water so they are allowed.
The crew are all very happy and we have had a lovely day relaxing in the sunshine and enjoying the calmness of the sea. The boat is a wonderful place to hang out with your friends when it is not lurching and bouncing all over the place like it had been for the first 9 days of the trip. Quality of life on board is definitely on the up.
Oly has just cooked a Dorado risotto for dinner which was delicious and everyone is relaxing in the cockpit before we get into the night watch routine. Just spotted a light out to port, so we are not alone tonight.
We enjoyed our halfway party so much, we’ve decided to have a ‘triple 9’ party, which is when we go under 1000 miles left to run. This should be tomorrow afternoon. Then I guess it will be a 3/4 way party Smile
Good night from Open Blue, mid Atlantic.