Day 16

Untied and all wrapped up
Mike, Paul, Connor
Sat 22 Sep 2012 17:51
33:16 S 36:22 E
After been blown down South by the strong North Westerly wind , we were all wondering if we were going to see Ice Bergs. I admit the day did not turn out to badly.Everyone had boots off and short sleeves on. After the winds had died down we were able to head on our easterly course. The seas took a few hours to die down from the blow , so progress was a bit slow. All day we had fickle winds , the motor on , then off , the sails up , then furled. We had rain , and no rain . But nightfall the promised South Winds kicked in. A bit stronger than what was predicted , but at least it was pushing us slightly upwards and to the east.  I think Conner was a bit shocked today when i mentioned that there is no going back, It the event horizon of the journey , when forward is the only option. When you are close to shore you always feel “safe” as you can bolt to the nearest Harbour , but when you are blue water sailing ( well its been grey the last few days ) forward is the safest and best way , a bit like life ....