13:08.679N 61:13.56W

Sat 19 Dec 2009 14:10
We've made our way down to St Vincent after spending a night in the bay where the Pirates of the Caribbean was filmed, which has a legacy of a crumbling, decaying film set including plastic stone cladding.  It just about looks okay now but in a few years it'll look a real mess, however the lushness of the island along with the turquoise waters and friendly people more than make up for it.   In the evening we took a walk up to the Golden Spoon restaurant where Ron and Ronnie (Caribbean stonehead identical twins ) where running a restaurant.  The food was nice but we did have to wait around two hours for it to arrive and suffer the ramblings of a stoned Ronnie.
In the morning we took  a walk up to the not so big but very powerful waterfall where John and Duncan had a pummelling, before we set sail for St Vincent.