Another Over 60s outing - Tenerife to the Caribbean

John and Prue Quayle / John Quayle
Sat 10 Nov 2007 09:54
Our little adventure across the pond is about to begin. Crew (see photo 10 April) include John Smith ( Prue`s brother ), Richard Burbidge and Jonathan Lane. JS, JL and I fly to Tenerife on Monday 12 November to victual and do a few last minute jobs on Gaudeo, and RB arrives Thursday 16th. Provided there is a reasonable weather window, we set sail soon after for Grenada 3000M due West.
In order to make the best use of prevailing wind and current, we shall probably begin on a SW course to around 25 degrees N and 25 degrees W, about 150-200M  NW of Cape Verde Islands, and only turn west when the westerly trades have been definitely encountered, say 200M south of their northern limit. The sky at this point should be speckled with small clouds "like puffs of steam from an old fashioned steam engine". Average wind speeds of 15 knots are expected though this time last year the wind was much stronger and quick passages were made. Our passage is expected to last around 3 weeks but we shall victual for 30 days.
For their deserved reputations in the gastronomy department, JL and JS have taken on responsibility for victualling. Indeed the only input allowed JQ and RB at a recent Food  Committee meeting was on the selection of afternoon and morning tea. Quantities such as 30 kilos of meat equivalents, 30 loaves, 40 litres of "beverage" have been mentioned. Pruning is already occurring to the skipper`s wine rations to make room for apparently healthier sustenance. Be forewarned therefore, that future blogs could refer to sightings of pink mice climbing the mast. 
Much correspondence has been focused on  rescue coordination across the North Atlantic. Wives and family may be reassured to know that in addition to messages sent in discarded wine bottles - another reason for not rationing the skipper too severely - and limited VHF radio communication,  we do have the use of 2  Iridium satellite phones which also enable data transfer, albeit very slowly. It would be nice to catch up on  gossip so emails from friends would be welcome; please no attachments. I am spelling the email address for the yacht in a fashion designed to deceive potential spammers: johnquayle at mailasail dot com.
A suitable refrain for the "over 60s outing" on Gaudeo? 
Gaudeamus igitur
Juvenes dum sumus
Post jucundum juventutem
Post molestam senectutem
Nos habebit humus.
Let us rejoice therefore
While we are young.
After a pleasant youth
After a troublesome old age
The earth will have us.