18-20 June: Final stage of passage, arrival at Sada marina, Ria Betanzos, NW Spain

John and Prue Quayle / John Quayle
Wed 20 Jun 2007 18:50
A fabulous beam reaching sail in moderate S - SE breeze brought us quickly along the 90 miles of the northern Spanish coast  from near Gijon  almost to Ortegal Point by late evening when we changed course towards the SW for the last 60 miles but as we did so,  the wind veered against us.  We were now headed into strong squalls which required  much sail changing,  and also had to move to avoid fishing vessels. The wind steadied to  top end SW force 6 causing a disturbed sea, so we used the engine for longish periods to improve the heading.
For the last 15 miles  we had a spanking unassisted close fetch -  wind  gusting force 7 to 8 -  to bring us into Ria Betanzos, and  tied up late afternoon in Sada marina.
Elation was short lived as JQ had bent a stanchion by clumsy mooring and there was a blockage in the heads - testament to the high standard of cuisine aboard Gaudeo. On the promise of good behaviour, the user`s name is to remain anonymous! Sadly no photographs but they would have been worthy of publication in a respectable journal of proctology. Two hours of replumbing etc gave way to 2-3 hours suspended celebration regardless of tiredness and this was resumed in modest proportion at lunch next day, enhanced by  educated tasting of a variety of Albarino wines: Filaboa, Valdorel and Organistrum - reverse order of preference being decreed by the committee. A photo of the visitation from the deep to the deck of Gaudeo by Balenus Blancus Vulcanus ( the great white smith whale) tells the tale.
The return to Blighty  with Ryanair from Santiago de Compostela  next day brought another good outing for the over 60s to a close.  Prue and I will return at the end of July and end in Lagos, Portugal in mid September.