22:39.11N 20:12.50W

John and Prue Quayle / John Quayle
Wed 21 Nov 2007 10:35
"Are we nearly there" cries this evening; becalmed but with a glorious, warm,
intense moon, a zephyr like breeze of 6-7 knots sent us along at a
miraculous 3.5 knots albeit in the wrong direction. Then just before dawn it
increased and veered so we are now heading towards the Caribbean - at last, Yippee!

The 2 chefs surpassed themselves last night. JL prepared homemade humous
and "doctored" olives; JS produced superb grilled beef fillet served on a
bed of toast and wild boar pate, accompanied by courgettes cooked in butter,
garlic and mushrooms, and more of his special Canary potatoes boiled in sea
water with 2 varieties of mojo sauce- eat yr heart out Mrs Leith. Queues are
now expected for signing on in the Caribbean for the return trip.

Apologies to blog readers who yearn for tales of hardship stress, and