At Crinan - Locked (!) into Canal Basin - completely stymied!!

Arrived Crinan on Saturday late afternoon after easy run down from Craobh. Jolly curry dinner aboard.
Sunday morning breezy with prospect of rain. Headed off for a walk and had great views down the Sound of Jura from the hilltops to the south west of Crinan.
On return to Crinan, heard about the problems with the sea lock gates which have resulted in the lock being unusable. We await further developments, but for the meantime, Hiltgund is firmly stuck in the canal unless we wish to make passage all the way through and come back round the Mull of Kintyre - rather a long way back to Ardfern....
Had a splendid dinner in the Crinan Hotel last night and for once a reasonably early night!
Given that we can't get out to go sailing, it is hardly a surprise at all that today (Monday) is gloriously sunny with a splendid breeze - it would have been a perfect day for a sail. What a shame.
Many Crinan Canal staff standing around looking worried and as yet no indication of how long it might take to sort out the problem with the gates. The chat is that a temporary quick fix might be achievable in a few days to a week or so and a proper solution could take months. Hmm.....
Update at 1700 - Canal engineers now saying it will probably be 5-7 weeks before the sea lock can be used again. So Hiltgund will just have to stay at Crinan as I don't have time now to take her round the Mull of Kintyre this week. Maybe the repairs will be done sooner - or maybe they will take longer than expected - we'll just have to wait and see!