At Inverie, Loch Nevis 57.02.25N 05.41.50W

Chris Perring
Wed 13 Jul 2005 19:30
Hiltgund July Cruise 2005 Crew Aboard: Chris Perring, Jasper Dickinson, John Bartholomew
& Elly Veitch. An unaccustomed early start - we were on our way at 0730!!
We headed off north round Ardnamurchan Point and by 1300 we were off Mallaig.
1400 saw us safely on a mooring at Inverie in Loch Nevis where we briskly went
ashore and were treated to an excellent lunch at the Old Forge Inn - the UK's
most inaccessible pub. The crew went for a stroll ashore while the
skipper went back aboard for a snooze and some housekeeping. Excellent dinner in the pub in the evening.