Interesting Day....

Tue 30 Dec 2014 11:59
What a long day we had yesterday! Everthing comes in 3s right!
1 - Well we managed to test the parasail to its limits (a little by accident) but now we know we can get it down very fast!
2 - Then when we went to put the main up the bit that holds the slides into the mast had popped off so the top part was attached but the middle part was billowing out everywhere!
Ovbiously we had number three to look forward to but we got the sails up again and were cruising downwind nicely!
3 - So this one waited until dark...just settling down for the night and there is a strange noise in the aft locker so in goes mr fix (Sam) and finds the wire for the stearing has popped of the quadrant! Great! Luckily we were on the auto pilot, so after contorting himselft into 2 of the tinny lockers and finding out we dont have a number 17 spanner Sam managed to flick the wire back on!
Fingers crossed that is our run of bad luck over and done with.
Under the 1000nm Mark (forgot to put that yesterday) :) and the clocks went back again yesterday so feels like we are getting closer!!
Hope alls well at home, time to get the Lure back out.