May 9 2010 10 40.738N 061 38.243W

Ron Stubbington
Sun 9 May 2010 20:14
Erasmos is now in Trinidad. On April 23 I returned
to Rodney Bay on St. Lucia. The plan was to move the boat along with Brian
Woodley to Trinidad. Erasmos is in good shape from sitting at anchor in
the lagoon for three months. I had hired Byron,, a local, to look atfter
the boat and he did that and more. When the boat was brought to the dock
it was all washed and ready to go. Brian and I spent the next three
days provisioning and fixing little things and getting ready to leave.
Then on Saturday morning we left Rodney Bay and sailed down the west coast of St
Lucia across to St Vincent and stopped at Wallilabou Bay . This is where
most of the Pirates of the Caribbean was filmed. Next day we were off. We
stopped briefly at Bequia but everything was closed so headed to Tobago
Cays. We spent two nights there and then on Tuesday May 4 we left for
Carriacou Island and the town of Hillsbourough. We cleared customs and
then went to Tyrol bay to anchor for the evening. There was a yacht bar
which we went to for a drink and met up with John and Liz from the ARC.
Wednesday it was to St. Georges on Granada. On Thursday we didn't leave
until 3:30 pm as we knew we were going to have a long night heading across to
Trinidad. We arrived in Trinidad in Chauramas Bay at 11:30 am On
Saturday Brian left for home and I will stay on until I have the boat hauled out
on the 13th and then get prepped for the summer and leave to come home on the