Andy: The last night - It's time to go

28:07.65N 15:25.70W Well it’s the last night in Las Palmas de Grand
Canaria and tomorrow morning at about 10:30 we will be on the water. And
it’s a beautiful evening, 24 degrees, very very light winds, no clouds, sun
is setting and a quarter moon is rising. A great image to finish
with. Race start is 13:00 so we will have a couple of hours to
find out positions on the boat and get used to things again. We know
everything is ready, as best we can prepare. Food’s on board,
waters on board, fueled and gassed up, the sails and rigging have been checked,
and all of the relevant safety bits and pieces have been covered. It’s time to go. Tonight the crew is going out for supper, and no I don’t
think any of us think of it as the last supper J
But we will each have our thoughts and expectations about the journey
ahead. Everyone is fit and healthy, and each of us is definitely looking forward
to it. I will take notes and add to the blog as we go, but it may
take me awhile to post as I think we will be very busy getting sorted out for
the first 24 or 48 hours. For those of you who may have had trouble
navigating the blog site, here is an up to date list of the diary
entries I’ve posted to date. And as I’m sure some of you have
found out you do not have to follow the map links to get to the entries, you
can simply scroll down the page past the map to see all “Previous Diary
Entries” for the entire diary. You can access individual one’s
from there. Thanks to all for you encouragement and support. We
think of all our family, peers, workmates and friends often. We know your
wishes are with us! Here are Andy’s entries to date: Access
to the ARC site, news and fleet positions Be
prepared, be good little boy scouts Food
to go – 4 Days to the Start Gibraltar
to Las Palmas do Grand Canaria All
dressed up and 8 days to go |