Andy: Day 2 - 24 hours at sea

26:45.0N 16:03.0W At about 9:00 am today Monday, we turned due west.
Hurrah! Onto the opposite tack and off we go! Actually now making
miles to the destination instead of miles due south. The winds have
dropped a little, and the forecast is for 15-20 tomorrow so hopefully it will
get a little easier. We are doing a lot of bouncing around in the boat
and it is of course difficult to sleep in the rolls, rocks and yaws. But
we are off. If you follow the maps you will see we are south of the
Canary islands and headed West. In the 24 hours since we started we have covered about 150
nautical miles, and that’s a good number for us. Today we had a radio net call (like a voice blog) and were
able to see the positions of the yachts in front of us. But in the
scheme of things we know they are out there and it’s good to talk to
them. And since we do not have internet accesss we cannot use the fleet
viewer to see where everyone is. You will have more information on that
than us J Will it’s about 7:00 pm now, time for some shuteye and
back on watch at midnight for 3 hours. |