Oct 23 36:09.677N 005:21.653W

Ron Stubbington
Fri 23 Oct 2009 20:12
Erasmos left Puerto Jose Banus in flat calm and
clear blue sky bound for Gibraltar. However as the day wore on so did the
wind, by lunch time we were well under way with sails up and a fresh breeze of
20 to 25 knots blowing down on us. The seas were not too
bad. When we approached Gibraltar the winds eased annd the seas got
quite lumpy. As we rounded the point things looked better and we headed
for port. The first marina we tried was full so on to the next and only
alternative and it was full also. So we found an anchorage and dropped the
hook. Took a trip to shore to size thlngs up and tomorrow we have a full
day planned ashore to get things done. Today we travelled 36 nautical
miles. However, since our start from Greece on the llth of Sept Erasmos
has put 1494 nuatical miles under her belt...