10 June 2008

Elemiah's Atlantic Adventure
Ian Cole and Rosemary Bointon
Wed 11 Jun 2008 01:46
We now have a plan on when we might be able to take the boat out for a sea trial: it looks like THURSDAY and we will be out in the bay testing the engine and generator and doing a little bit of sailing. Hurray!

The next couple of days will be very busy indeed as tomorrow evening it looks as though we will be able to clean out the boat and start loading her up with the mountain of gear that we have been collecting. The stowage will take some time as each item has to be put away so that it can't fall out and break or fly across the boat and hit somebody. We have also have to know where everything is so that we can easily lay hands on an item when it is required. We have been keeping a running list of the items we have bought and have tentatively allocated stowage places but it is bound to be the case that some items won't fit or would be better somewhere else when it comes to it.

The Covey Island team are still busy with installing the electrics and the boat systems such as the wind instruments - Morgan 'volunteered' to go to the top of the mast to put on the anemometer (the thing that measures the speed and direction of the wind).

We have also been trying to catch up with the bureaucracy - sorting out all the pieces of paper that we have to have ready for arrival in the Azores.

Rosemary and Ian

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